Wednesday 6 November 2013

September Issue

So I have been so busy in September I didn't have chance to blog at all! So I thought I would start with a September update! So firstly I left my old job and started a new one! Then it was my birthday! I had so much fun dressed up as a zombie for the Bournemouth summer ball I decided to have a zombie themed birthday party! It wasn't a special birthday I just haven't done anything for the last couple of years so I decided to have a party this year! So the 3 main things I was excited about for my party where...

1. My cake!!! 

It was red velvet cake and I used the jelly with evaporated milk to make the jelly brain to go on top and under the outer decorative icing I put lots of yummy chocolate icing!

2. The fancy dress!

My zombie costume 

I tried to go as a prom zombie... I just got a dress in the sale and ripped it and burnt it! the best thing about a zombie costume other than the fact it is so much fun is that it was also so cheap to make! All the decorations ans costume accessories I got where really really cheap! I got most of it from e-bay. If you want to know how I got my zombie look I already have a post here although this time I didnt use liquid latex, I made my own with equal parts of glycerin  powder gelatin and water mixed together in a bowl and microwave until it dissolves!

3. Skittles vodka! 

The skittles disolving

When I pick a theme for something I tend to get quite into it so I decorated my house and to be honest it looked a bit like Halloween had come early! Anyway I had a great party and there was great company and we really celebrated in zombie style!

Some Zombie Decorations
Next I went to Bestival! It's the third time I've been and if you haven't been before I would totally recommend it! It was amazing! As always!

Left Bollywood Field, Top Right The Port at Night, Bottom Right The Port 
Then I think it was the second weekend in October I participle in SwimBritain with my family! You get together with 3 other members and between you swim a distance doing relays racing the other teams to raise money for charity! We decided to pick variety a charity for children with disabilities! We swam the 2000m distance and I done it with 2 cousins and my Grandad! It was great fun a great way to bond with my family and a great way to raise money for charity! 

Our SwinBritain Team

Then at the end of September I had Basingstoke half marathon to do! It's the first time if ran a half marathon and it was really really hard! But I really really enjoyed it! I would 100% do it again (maybe not Basingstoke in a hurry as it's so hilly) I didn't get an amazing time but I completed it, I ran the whole distance and didn't stop once so I was really please with myself! I ran it with my Grandad and I can honestly say I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for him! He really kept me going! 

Us once we had completed the 13.2 miles

So this is pretty much why I was so quiet in the month of September! Now I've settled into my new job a bit more I should be posting much more regularly again! This isn't really a normal post for me but I just wanted to let everyone know I hadn't stopped posting I have just been soooooo busy! But I've pretty much settled down into normal life again now!


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